Operations (manual or mechanical) that are carried out on your field or crop may be viewed by clicking on Operations in the plot side card. This takes you to a list of operations filtered to that plot to enable you to view and edit specific tasks, saving you precious time. 

Alternatively, you can go straight to the Operations table view via Monitor > Operations. The Operations page looks like this:

You can add a new operation by clicking on the “Add new operation” button on the top right corner.

Add new operation: You can create a planned or completed operation, add details of the operation, attach images and add notes for the same. 

You can search for existing operations by team or plot name and filter by date range, operation type and status.

When viewing an operation, you can edit it by clicking on the edit icon. 

Completed operations may be created from the viewing page of planned operations.

If a previous operation was planned and then is completed, when you next select the operation you will see both side by side when selected.