When you launch the app for the first time, you will need to select your country:

There are two ways to log in to KisanHub mobile application:

  1. Email address 

  2. Mobile number via OTP (on android)

Email address: Please enter an email address and click next, please enter it here:

Enter the password and click on the login button.

If you are unable to log in, you can make use of the ‘Forgot password’ option to reset your password. To do so, enter your registered email address and click next.

A reset link will be sent to your registered email address. Click on the link sent to your email and update your password. 

Mobile number via OTP (on android):

Recently we launched a new version of our app in the play store (Android) where users can log in to the mobile app using their registered mobile number. 

Please enter your mobile number. Once done, click next:

A 4 digit OTP verification code will be sent to your registered number. Enter this code to log in to your account.

This change was made to ensure data security


Hooray, you’ve arrived at the KisanHub platform! 

To see other features, read the other Support documents and watch our videos here

Any questions? Please get in touch with our Customer Support team support@kisanhub.com