Field inventory shows you in table form, all of the mapped crops from the 'Inventories map' page. 

To find the new field inventory, simply click on the Inventories drop down, then click Field Inventory.  

Field Inventory looks like this:

Field inventories and store inventories work together Click here to find out more about the store inventory. 

To view the information in a filtered view, click the arrow on the filter button to show more information: 

This then displays the information that you can apply filters to, which helps you view the information in a more condensed view: 

You will notice the Active, Closed and All buttons at the bottom of the filter view. This is because the platform has moved from a 'Season' filter, to the concept of active or 'closed' plots. This enables crops that span multiple seasons to be viewed on the map and mobile app. Until a crop is closed, it will show on both the map, and the field inventory. 

The sowing and harvest date pickers allow a certain time frame to be searched, which is useful when users want to retrospectively review a certain season, or harvest and the data captured at that time. 

In the field inventory table some of the links can be clicked (the ones underlined in blue). These links take you to other pages within the platform, for ease of use. If you have access to the Monitor module you will be able to see the number of diary submissions on a field plot here and be linked to those diaries. If you have access to the Quality module the number of quality results on that plot will appear and also link to those results.

The final piece of information displayed is an Expected Tonnage and a Cropped Area. When a plot is created, the area is recorded as well as an estimated yield. The expected tonnage can be updated as the season progresses, by editing the tonnages in the field inventory. 

You will notice in the field inventory table some of the links can be clicked (the ones underlined in blue). These links take you to other pages within the platform, for ease of use. 

Clicking on the plot name will take you to the map view, and bring up the plot card. The diaries link will take you through to the field monitoring diaries page for that plot. If there are any quality links then they will be blue, and this will take you to the quality results for that field.