You gave us feedback, we listened. We have changed the way you add 'off-platform' or non mapped crops into a load passport, or to a store lot. This enables you to quickly create fields without polygons or farms and store lots that are independent of stores.
The process is now much simpler. When creating a load passport, under the load details form, you will see the following info:
It firstly asks you whether the crop is from field or store, and then asks you who 'owns' the crop. This is whoever the crop belongs to either the grower, or grower group.
When you hit the 'Field' section it will show you a drop down list of fields already existing on the platform, or it will let you free type a new field name. Once complete, it will say ' a new field named "Field name" will be created - and this will save in the system for future use.
It then asks you for field details i.e. variety, harvest date, country and region.
To add a store lot, select store, and the information is the same aside from it will ask you for a 'Lot ref' where you can either select an existing lot, or create a new one.
We hope you and your growers will find this process much simpler!
We really value your feedback, so please send anything to