Creating Soil Reports

Before you can enter a soil sample report, you must first add a soil sample to the field in the map from the side card. Once the "Add soil sample" button has been selected, it will then be available to create a report from in soil reports from the Monitor module. Multiple samples from the same field may be taken at once, but each sample should be given a unique name to differentiate between them.

To add or view soil test reports, go to Monitor > Soil ReportsThe main page for soil test reports will appear in order, with the most recent being at the top. 

To create a new soil report from the sample taken, you will need to click on "Add new soil report" in the top right hand corner. Select the field the sample was taken, then the soil sample name(s) will appear in the drop-down. Only soil samples without an existing report will show. Finally, select the lab that the sample was sent to.

In the template you have the ability to add physical and chemical properties, macronutrients as well as pictures or attachments that are relevant

Editing soil test reports

By clicking on a previous soil test report, you are able to edit it using the "Edit" button in the top right hand corner.

Here you can edit results and add additional notes or attachments as required. When you have finished, click the "Finish Editing" button in the top right hand corner.