This support document will walk you through the process of adding and editing results for your crop quality needs.
Before you get started - ensure that your account is set up for Quality - with your KisanHub Customer Success Manager. Or email
Only Crop Quality Admins can create Crop Quality Templates.
To proceed - go to Quality on the top menu bar.
Here you have two options:
- Results
- Templates
Select results, and you will see this screen:
A few things to note here are:
- You can only add crop quality results to templates that have been created by your Crop Quality Admin.
- You must select the template the result is associated with from the main Crop Quality results page.
- You can only add crop quality results on crops from your own organisation, or organisations connected in your network where the plot has been shared with your organisation.
Adding results
Once you have selected the template you wish to add a result for, select the "Add result" button. Now you will have some mandatory boxes to complete
- Source - This will either be from a field or store.
- Owner - The organisation that owns the field plot or store lot.
- Field - This can be from a field that is set up in the map, or an 'off platform' crop. If the field is on the platform and your organisation has visibility of the plot(s) it will either auto-populate if one plot is on that field, or a drop down is available for multiple field plots.
- Variety - The variety based on the template you are completing.
- Harvest date - If this is a store sample, the harvest date must be entered.
- Lot ref - If the sample is from a store you will need to enter a reference.
- Sample weight - If the template is weight based, you will need to enter the sample weight.
- Sampling date
- Any other mandatory boxes set up by the template creator.
Non mandatory boxes can now be filled as well as up to 5 attachments.
Once a result is saved it will appear in the Crop Quality Results page. Here you can filter results to help you select crop for particular markets. Once you have used the filters you want you will have the option of downloading a CSV file.
If a sample passes the market suitability it will appear green from the Crop Quality Results page, if the suitability appears red then that sample has failed for that market.
Adding new results from the mobile app
By selecting Quality assessments from the app home screen you will be brought to a page that will show you results for each template within your organisation. Here you can filter using either the search bar or the filter button next to it.
To add an assessment, first select the template from the drop-down list. Now you have the same mandatory fields as on the web app. You also have the option to take photos from your phone or tablet's camera. Once saved the assessment will appear at the top of the crop quality results page.
It is possible to add multiple samples in a Quality assessment from one store lot or plot . The maximum number of subsamples in one assessment is 30.
Parameters are shown in a list, broken into section names set up by the template.
Weighed sections show “Enter results by weight (kg)” underneath the section heading.
Whenever a template includes a weighed section, the sample weight will be shown in the details page of assessments.
Each subsample shows a box to add a reference or location. This can be anything you will recognise later. It is optional to add a reference. If a reference is not added, that Subsample will be referred to as Subsample N, where N is the number of subsamples created so far.
Save is not available if any mandatory sections are incomplete. If the user closes a subsample section that is incomplete, red text will appear underneath the section name, saying "Section incomplete". Users can edit an assessment by adding or removing subsamples as required by clicking the trash icon, but at least one subsample is required for an assessment to be completed.
If a user tries to remove a subsample they will be asked to confirm, this avoids subsamples being removed in error. Subsamples must contain some data in order to be saved, blank subsamples will not be saved.
Viewing and editing results
Viewing an individual assessment on mobile shows as a closed accordion view. Each subsample can be selected to view the data for that subsample.
On the web you will see assessments in a grid format.
An average of the subsamples will show market suitability, with green denoting that it has met specification. Users can tab through the table when entering or editing the data to speed up data entry. Once complete, all data is shareable to email addresses and exportable into CSV format. Sharing by email will share all past assessments for that plot or store lot.
To edit a result in the web app, you need to click on the pencil on the right side of a result entry. Users can tab through the table when entering or editing the data to speed up data entry. This is where you will see the number of subsamples taken on each assessment.
On mobile the pencil can be found by selecting an assessment to view.
Sharing results
It is possible to share a Quality Assessment from our web app. To do this simply click on an assessment from the Quality Results page and you will see there is the option to share a report. Share with anyone that has an email address, adding as many email addresses as needed.
If you have any comments, questions, or would like to trial the Quality module, please get in touch with our Customer Success team on