To create Load Passport Templates, first ensure your account is set up for the Supply Module. If not then speak with your KisanHub Customer Success manager. Or email
To access Passport templates you must be on the web app and be a registration admin. Go to Supply > Passport templates. Start by clicking "Add new template"
From here, you can begin to create your template. Give the template a name, select the crop this template will be associated with and the delivery address, which brings up a list of organisations from your network connections, including your own. You can create more than one template for the same crop and delivery destination.
All organisations that have trading agreements set up for a crop genus will be able to see all the templates your organisation has created for that crop genus, e.g. potato, barley. Therefore, if the crop is going to be sold to another organisation, you may not wish to name the template after them.
It is important to note here that you may have more than one passport template associated with the same crop and delivery location. Editing an existing template will override any previous versions, but passports that have already been submitted will continue to use the version of the template at the time of submission, even if they are edited and resubmitted.
In the above scenario (where you have more than one template for the same crop and delivery destination), it is necessary for us to ask the user to select the correct template when creating a load passport. As what occurs when there is only one contract option, where there is only one template for each delivery destination, the extra box in the template section will auto-populate and the user will hardly notice (see image below).
In the instance that there are multiple templates, the load passport creator will need to pick the correct one, so it is important these are named in a logical way.
Passport templates can be edited as required, If there is a need for any templates to be removed entirely please get in touch with the support team.
There is a large list of potential details a passport can include, some fields are already added to start. In order to add details you must first click the "eye" making that section now appear on your template. You also have the option of making this a mandatory section for someone completing a passport. If there are any sections that you wish to appear on this list please contact your KisanHub Customer Success Manager.
You also have the option of adding up to 10 chemical declarations to the passport.
Once you have completed your template you can either save as a draft for going back to later, or you can publish it. This then becomes visible to organisations that you have a contract agreement with for the crop associated with this template.
If a template has been created or edited it will appear in the passport templates page. You will see the name of the publisher, the date it was last published and a version number dictating how many times it has been edited or updated.
In order to remove a passport template from appearing for users in future for any reason, click on a template to edit, and you will see the option to archive it at the bottom of the screen.