Satellite reports can now be seen in graph format for multiple fields at the same time. This is accessible from the Monitor tab via Monitor > Satellite Report.
You can filter by:
- Index type; choose between Ground cover, IRECI and NDVI
- Group/Region
- Owner/Organisation
- Field
- Crop
- Variety
- Crop Tags
- Time range- by sowing date
An average curve is presented for the selected fields, each line is labelled by field.
Each field can be toggled on/off from the graph itself, simply click on a field name at the bottom of the graph to turn off or back on.
Where there are multiple plots per field, the variety in that field will be shown also, if the same variety appears in multiple field plots, the plot name will be shown also.
A ground cover estimation curve is available once at least 3 data points are present. Where only one or two data points exist, they will still appear on the chart, either without a line or just a straight line between two points.
All data can be downloaded to CSV format as well as PDF, PNG and JPEG files.
You will only be able to see data for fields that you have visibility over, either as the plot owner or because the field has been shared with your organisation.