Available and adjusted tonnage has been added to Quality assessments as a way of seeing the expected total tonnage that meets specification criteria.
This will show for each quality assessment in date order. If you are a crop quality admin, you will now see the option to deduct sum from available tonnage for each summed and weight-based section of a Quality template. This is unselected by default, but for example, you may want to deduct major defects from the available tonnage but leave minor defects in.
The available tonnage is taken from the field or store inventory. This may be estimated in the case of a field inventory and will be shown as such. In the case of a store inventory, it will be the tonnage available at the time of the assessment.
If an assessment shows to be out of specification for all end uses, then available tonnage and adjusted tonnage will show as 0. A total of 0 will also show if the crop is off platform and no tonnage has been entered either in the store or field inventory.
Crop quality admins will also now see which template was used for each assessment, if it is not the latest version, this will show as archived and non-editable but will link you to the latest version. Only data from the latest version of the template will show in chart format. If the template is the current version, the link (in blue) will take you through to the page for editing that particular template.
If you have any questions or feedback on Quality assessments please get in touch with us at support@kisanhub.com